Leh Ladakh


The arid mountains in the distance spectacularly encapsulate the magical place called Ladakh. The former kingdom of Ladakh may be no more but their former glory lives on in the charming gompas which dramatically crown the innumerable rocky outcrops of the region. White stupas lie scattered in the horizon fighting for prominence with mani walls that are topped with pebbles inscribed with mantras. As you traverse Ladakh you will find colorful prayer flags fluttering in the cool winds spreading their spiritual essence. The ancient Buddhist buildings and monuments add to the mystical appeal of Ladakh and Leh. The enchantment of Leh will never truly disappear in you. Amidst crumbling houses of mud and innumerable stupas, the old town of Leh lies. The town is dominated by the impressive rocky ridges on which a majestic palace and fort was built in ages past. You will fall in love with the wild and untamed landscape of Leh and Ladakh. Just stay awhile.



The Basgo monastery is also known as the Bazgo Gompa. Built in the year 1680, the Gompa is a fascinating study into the incredible architectural styles of the age. Perched atop a hill, the Basgo Monastery looms over the ruins of an ancient town. Inside, the monastery contains some beautiful murals and a majestic Buddha statue.


Get ready to experience the freezing temperatures of the second coldest inhabited region of the world once you step into Drass. The quaint township offers a stunning view of the Tolloling range and the Tiger Hill.Trekking trails are available in plenty and cover a range of incredible sights and vistas.


The history of Kargil stretches as far back as the 9th century. Even recently in 1999, Kargil was again a site of historical importance as the Kargil War was fought nearby. The hardy mountain town is home to several monasteries and gompas. The nearby verdant Suru valley is a sight for eyes that are sore from enjoying the rocky mountains of the region. The Pensi la Lake captures the stunning beauty of the Suru valley in its watery canvas.


The ancient town of Zanskar was the abode of a civilization that stretches back to the Bronze Age. Zanskar is a naturally made gallery of incredible and intricate rock arts. These artistic pieces depict animals, human figures and even wars. The ancient origins of Zanskar have also made it the site of some ofthe oldest gompas and monasteries of the region. The Phugtal monastery is tuck to a cliff as if a honeycomb. Medieval frescoes mesmerize the visitor at the other gompas. Nature lovers too will enjoy Zanskar with its many pleasant meadows. The green of the meadows are broken with colorful spots of wild flowers blooming profusely in the landscape. The undulated and rugged landscape cut across by the Zanskar River helps in creating some excellent trekking trails.

Hemis Monastery

The eternally pretty Hemis town hides the exquisite Hemis Monastery from view. The soothing sight of the lush foliage in the side increases the spirituality of this wonderful structure. The site is a historically important one with documents stretching as far back as the first millennium.

Thiske Monastery

The Thiskey Monastery stands proudly on a huge rocky outcrop beckoning weary travellers for a respite. This glorious gompa is one of the largest of its kind in Ladakh and is surrounded by quaint little whitewashed buildings. The Tibetan influence in the architectural style is easily evident. The village surrounding the Gompa is a typical monastic village. A fascinating collection of tantric artifacts can be seen at the monastery museum.

Lamayuru Monastery

Counted amongst the oldest monasteries of Ladakh, the Lamayuru Gompa was originally a collection of five buildings. Ruins of four of these buildings can still be seen surrounding the Gompa. The holy site offers some entrancing sights of the nearby region being set high on an outcrop.

Rizong Monastery

The Rizong Gompa seemingly clings to the walls of an arid outcrop. The steep amphitheater is a great plane to enjoy the fascinating sights of the surrounding area. The Rizong Gompa, itself is made up of two old prayer halls. These mystical halls may have been darkened by soot but their former beauty is apparent through the intricate murals. There are many finely gilded statues inside these dark halls.

Spituk Monastery

In the late 14th century, the impressive See-Thub Gompa was built over a rocky outcrop. Now known as the Spituk Gompa, this marvelous structure is visible from the Leh airport. Underneath the golden roof of Skudung Lhakhang lies the soothing courtyard. The courtyard leads to the colorful Dukhang. Inside it, a statue of Tsongkhapa was erected and still stands today in his yellow capped glory. The majestic Gompa is also home to an incredible and immense collection of antique artifacts such as arms and masks.

Zangla Monastery

The humble Zangla Monastery is the residence of nearly 150 monks or lamas as they are called in the native tongue. The ruins of an ancient hilltop castle lie nearby giving you an excuse to indulge in a bit of exploration. The Gompa itself has some fine wall paintings. The views from Zangla Monastery are quite good and you can enjoy a spiritual experience here.

Nubra Valley

The rather barren terrain of the Nubra Valley reeks of the exciting adventure that you can have. This enchanting valley covered in splashes of yellow and pink colors that come from the many rose plants growing profusely in clusters. Nubra Valley offers you a clear view of the distant snowy peaks. During the flowering season, the banks of the Nubra River get smothered in the enchanting view of the innumerable blooms on the multitudinous apricot trees.

Pangong Lake

As the amazing Pangong Lake stretches before your eyes with rocky hills jutting out from the edges, you will be left speechless. You are going to be lost in the enchanting beauty of the breathtaking panorama before you. This incredible spot attracts numerous migratory birds during the season. Some rare species have also made their home in the banks of the Pangong Lake.

Alchi Gompa

The Alchi Gompa is a complex of some of the most ancient monasteries in the region. The walls of the temple contain a fascinating diorama of different Hindu and Buddhist kings. Its artistic style is unique and intriguing. Within the large complex numerous statues of Buddha have been erected. In fact, the entire complex is strewn with various pieces of art including some intricate wood carvings.

Phugtal Gompa

As you trek your way across Zanskar, you may stumble upon an incredible sight. A gigantic monastery complex seemingly grows out of a rocky facade. The honeycomb structure of the Phgutal Gompa fascinating and mystical.It is one of the most isolated monasteries in Ladakh. The experience of relaxing at this incredible place aftera hard trek is capable to rendering you speechless.

Shanti Stupa

The simple and yet marvelous structure was built quite recently in the year 1991 by the Japanese as an effort to promote world peace. The huge stupa is painted brightly in white creating a mesmerizing contrast to the brown mountains that serve as a background. The difficult walk towards the stupa will reward you with a stunning view. If possible visit it during the afternoon. The golden rays of the sun will illuminate the city brightly creating an incredible panorama.

Leh Palace

The nine storied palace was built in the 17th century. The palace has lost all of its former glory with its walls standing bare and unadorned. However, you will have a thrilling experience making your way through the maze of corridors and rooms in the empty palace. There is so much to explore in this abandoned palace with hidden staircases popping up when least expected. You can climb up the many ladders to reach the roof of the gigantic building. Once there, you can revel in the incredible and stunning views of the area.



Moon Land Ladakh is located at the altitudes ranging from 9,000 to 15, 000 feet above sea level. Traveling to this altitude in a short time can lead to acute health problems. Acute mountain sickness is commonly manifested as headache and vomiting. Other symptoms include breathlessness, sleeplessness and cough. The risk of high altitude illness depends on how quickly one ascends to high altitude.Traveling by road is therefore, considered safer which gives ample time for the body to get adjusted to altitude. Return by plane to lower altitudes is no problem.

The following symptoms must warrant urgent medical assistance:
1. Severe Breathlessness
2. Headache
3. Vomiting
4. Ataxia
5. Staggering gait (like drunk)
6. Sleepiness
7. Unconsciousness
8. Pain abdomen
9. Visual Disturbances



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